Social Work Minor

The minor in Social Work is intended to be an interdisciplinary course of study administered by the Department of Sociology and Criminal Justice.  The minor is designed to provide students a theoretical and practical overview of the social work field from the perspective of various disciplines.

The minor requires a total of 21 units selected from seven categories.  In completing the requirements for the minor, a minimum of 12 units must be distinct and different from the units used to complete the requirements of a major or another minor.  Any units above this minimum requirement which can be used to satisfy the requirements for the minor and for the major may be double counted.

Required courses6
Introduction to Social Work
Class, Race, Ethnicity & Gender
Social Structures: Select one of the following courses3
Public Policy Issues
Social Problems
Community Development
Immigration and Diversity
Global Development & Society
Migrants and Refugees
Family: Select two of the following courses6
Death, Grief, and Loss
Marriage & the Family
Gender, Culture, and Society
Managing Crisis
Child Welfare
Family Violence
Developmental Psychology
Psychology of the Family
Health: Select one of the following courses3
Social Issues of Health & Wellness
Public Health
Mental Illness in Society
Human Sexuality
Addiction Studies
Human Trafficking Survivor Care
Your Choice: Select one course from any of the categories above3
Other courses may count as an elective for the minor as they are developed or as approved by the Sociology and Criminal JusticDepartment Chair.
Total Units21