General Education (Professional Education Undergraduate Majors)

Rationale for the General Education for Professional Education Majors

The faculty of Vanguard University is committed to a broad education in the liberal arts, an objective requiring study in a variety of academic disciplines that is fulfilled in part by its general education requirements for professional education undergraduate majors. 

The following majors must complete these requirements for graduation, either at Vanguard University or through articulated transfer coursework. Additional requirements for graduation can be found under Academic Policies and Procedures here

General Educational Requirements

Vanguard Foundations of College Writing I 1
English Composition6
Business Writing 10
Foundations for College Writing II
Researched Writing
Researched Writing/Psyc Majors 12
Humanities/Fine Arts 86-9
Speech Composition and Presentation
Ethics in Film
Intro to Interpersonal Communication
Foundations of Christian Life
Children's Literature
Introduction to Philosophy
Literature 73
Literary Perspectives
Natural Science/Mathematics 5, 67-10
Biology of Nutrition
Principles of Neuroscience
Computer Applications
Integrated Chemistry
Business Math
Essential Mathematics
Mathematics for Statistics
Special Topic: 4
Statistics for Health Professionals
Fundamentals of Earth Science
Fundamentals of Physical Science
Intro to Statistical Methods 12
Religion 2, 33-12
New Testament Survey
Old Testament Survey
Foundations of Christian Life
Introduction to Theology
Social Science 96-12
Topics in American History
History and Geography of California
U.S. Government
Introduction to Psychology
Adolescent Psychology
Industrial/Organizational Psyc
Intro to Sociology
Marriage & Family Social Context
Professional Development (optional) 113
Career Transitions: Landing Your Ideal
Total Units37-58

CORE-110 Vanguard Foundations of College Writing I is not required for the PS Business Administration, PS Management, and PS Psychology majors.


PS Theology majors are required to take NT-101 New Testament Survey, OT-201 Old Testament Survey, THEO-103 Introduction to Theology


Students majoring in PS Business Administration, PS Early Childhood, PS Management and PS Psychology are required to take one of the four options to fulfill the Religion General Education requirement.


MATH-293 Special Topic: will be offered as Fundamentals of Math Principles.


Students must enroll in one science lecture/lab (4 units).


Students enrolled in PS Business Administration and PS Management majors are required to take one science lecture/lab (4 units) and one math course (3 units).  The math requirement must be met with a grade of "C" or better.


Students in the PS Early Childhood majors fulfill this requirement through their major coursework. 


Students enrolled in the PS Psychology major will be required to complete 9 units of Humanities/Fine Arts General Education requirements.


The PS Business Administration and PS Management majors require completion of 6 units to meet the Social Science General Education requirement.  Students enrolled in the PS Early Childhood and PS Psychology majors are required to complete 9 units to meet the Social Science General Education requirement.


BUSN-P277 Business Writing or BUSN-P125 Computer Applications fulfills the General Education business core requirement for PS Business Administration and PS Management majors.


MNGT-P225 Career Transitions: Landing Your Ideal fulfills the General Education business core requirement for PS Business Administration and PS Management majors.


PS Psychology majors are required to take PSYD-214 Researched Writing/Psyc Majors as one of the two required courses for English Composition and PSYD-265 Intro to Statistical Methods for the Math requirement.

Below is a list of recommended courses offered through the Professional Studies that may be used for elective courses within the program, or as Core Curriculum/General Education courses for cross enrollment between the Traditional Undergraduate and Professional Studies programs. Please contact the Office of Professional Studies for more information.

Core Curriculum and General Education Courses

ART-252  History & Appreciation of Art  3 Credits  

A survey of painting, sculpture, and architecture beginning with the Renaissance and concluding with Modern Art. Illustrated lectures, reading, and study of current exhibitions. Field trip fees may apply. (meets Humanities/Fine Arts requirement). (School for Professional Studies Course).

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

COMM-201  Speech Composition and Presentation  3 Credits  

This course is designed to provide the student with a general working knowledge of the fundamentals of speech communication. General requirements for speech preparation, composition and presentation will be covered. A foundation will be established upon which further speech development may transpire. Lab fee. (Professional Education Course).

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

ENGL-230  Literary Perspectives  3 Credits  

Introduces the student to a variety of literary genres as well as diverse authors, cultures, and experiences. This course also covers the tools and concepts necessary to the understanding and interpretation of literature. Students engage in classroom discussion, write papers, and take a variety of quizzes and exams. (meets Humanities/Literature/Fine Arts requirement). (Professional Education Course).

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer.

ENGL-220  Researched Writing  3 Credits  

Interpretive and analytic writing, including several problem-solving research-based essays investigating topics related to class themes. The course emphasizes writing, revising and editing, reading, analytical skills, and computer technology (word processing, Internet research) and reinforces those skills learned in ENGL-115. Must be passed with a "C" or better to fulfill the core curriculum requirement. (meets English Composition requirement)

Prerequisite: ENGL-120C.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer.

NT-101  New Testament Survey  3 Credits  

Prerequisite to all upper division courses in New Testament. A close study of the New Testament text, examining the foundations of Christianity within its historical contexts, and presenting the principles and tools of interpretation. (required for all Religion majors; meets Religion/Humanities requirement for all PE majors). (Professional Education Course).

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

OT-201  Old Testament Survey  3 Credits  

Prerequisite to all upper division courses in Old Testament. An introductory study of the literature of the Old Testament, with a view toward appreciation of its content and historical development, with emphasis on theological themes such as creation, election, and redemption. (required for all MILD majors; meets Religion/Humanities requirement for other majors). (Professional Education Course).

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

PHIL-201  Introduction to Philosophy  3 Credits  

An introductory study which aims to provide a basic understanding of the nature and aims of philosophy, an acquaintance with some representative philosophical problems, an introduction to the methodology of philosophical inquiry, and a mastery of some of the terminology employed in philosophical discussion. This course does not fulfill a core curriculum requirement. Core requirement for the religion major offered every semester.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

POLS-155  U.S. Government  3 Credits  

Designed to acquaint the student with the United States political system, including constitutional developments of the United States and of California, and stimulate reflection on the intersection of Christianity and citizenship. This course will meet the Social Science requirement for Professional Education majors.

PSYC-103  Introduction to Psychology  3 Credits  

Prerequisite to all other psychology courses. This course explores the fundamental issues of psychology, including research in psychology, biological influences on development and behavior, learning and memory, motivation, personality, psychological disorders, psychological interventions, and social behavior. Meets Social Science requirement for PE. (Professional Education Course).

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Summer.

SOC-100  Intro to Sociology  3 Credits  

An introduction to the study of society, considering the fundamental concepts of sociology in each of three great areas: social structure, social processes, and social problems. Sociology deals with the way individuals, groups, and institutions are related to one another. This course meets the Social Science requirement in the Professional Education Program. (Professional Education Course)

THEO-101  Foundations of Christian Life  3 Credits  

An introduction to Christian faith and life, embracing the primary theological tenets and fundamental values that empower a Christian to address contemporary cultural issues, seek integrity in personal behavior, and respond to the great commission to reach the world. (meets Religion/Humanities requirement). (Professional Education Course)

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

THEO-103  Introduction to Theology  3 Credits  

An introductory study of the subject matter and scope of Christian theology. Examination is made of philosophical presuppositions, definition is sought for theological terms, and articulation of theological concepts is encouraged. Particular attention is given to the doctrinal tenets of the Assemblies of God. (Required for all MILD majors/meets Religion/Humanities for all majors). (Professional Education Course)

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer.

Elective Courses

BIOL-205  Principles of Human Physiology  4 Credits  

Investigates the fundamental physiological processes in humans using a systems approach to student integrated functions. The course will explore the functions of the human body emphasizing homeostasis and integration at the biochemical, cellular, organ, and system levels. The systems studied will include nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal, endocrine, reproductive, and immunity. This course is a combined lecture and laboratory course fulfilling the physiology requirement for RN to BSN student. This is not a suitable course for Pre-Licensure Nursing students or Biology Majors. This requirement meets the science lab requirement for all other students. Lab fee required.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

BIOL-208  Biology of Nutrition  4 Credits  

The course emphasizes the biology of nutrition as applied to metabolic and physiologic principles underlying digestion and absorption of nutrients, chemical structure, and metabolism of nutrients, the biochemical role of nutrients in maintaining health, and the effects of over- and under-nutrition on health and on disease pathogenesis. The students will gain an understanding of the biology of macronutrients (carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, and water). Weight management and dietary analysis will also be discussed. Laboratory activities provide real-world insight into the biology of nutrition and will assist students in understanding how proper nutrition can optimize body system functions. This course is a combined lecture and laboratory course fulfilling the physiology requirement for RN to BSN student. This is not a suitable course for Pre-Licensure Nursing students or Biology Majors. This requirement meets the science lab requirement for all other students. Lab fee required. (School for Professional Studies Course).

Terms Typically Offered: Spring and Summer.

BIOL-209  Principles of Microbiology  3 Credits  

An introduction to the study of micro-organisms: their occurrence and importance to humans. Major concepts of general microbiology are discussed, including prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell types: structural organization of cells; cellular metabolism, regulation of metabolism, and genetics; host-parasite relationships, nutrition, growth, control mechanisms, immunology and serology; recombinant DNA technology; growth of microbial cells; and controlling growth by chemical and physical means. Bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa, and viruses are studied. Special emphasis is given to infectious diseases and the organisms that cause these diseases.

Co-Requisite: BIOL-209L

Pre- or Co-Requisite: BIOL-100C/BIOL-100CL

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

BIOL-234  Principles of Neuroscience  4 Credits  

The course is an introduction to the human nervous system and how the brain processes sensory information, controls actions, and learns through experience and emotions. Each lesson provides a broad understanding of the fundamentals of brain structures and its role in behavior. The course also aims to introduce the student to brain science behind sensory development, language acquisition and learning. (School for Professional Studies Course).

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer.

CHEM-210  Integrated Chemistry  4 Credits  

This course is designed to give beginning students who have not had prior exposure to chemistry a basic overview in general, organic, and biochemistry. The following topics will be surveyed: matter and energy, atomic theory, stoichiometry, nomenclature, the periodic table, atomic structure, gas liquid and solid states, solutions, nuclear chemistry, functional groups, alkanes, alkenes, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, amines, carboxylic acids, lipids, carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, nucleic acids, metabolism and respiration, photosynthesis, transcription, translation, kinetics, and DNA replication. Upon completion of this integrated chemistry course, the student will have an understanding of basic principles paramount to the study of chemistry, a proficiency with stoichiometry (as it relates to the nursing discipline), writing and interpreting chemical formulas, DNA replication, transcription and translation. In addition, the student should develop an appreciation for the importance of chemistry in other disciplines. (Meets Chemistry requirement for RN to BSN students; meets Science/Lab requirement for Professional Studies students). (School for Professional Studies Course).

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

COMM-230  Ethics in Film  3 Credits  

Through in-class screenings, intensive class discussion and related readings, this course will examine films whose themes strongly concern the depiction of ethical and moral choice. This course will discuss the ways in which filmmakers create meaningful ethical dilemmas; how the characters' choices are portrayed; and how these portrayals may influence our own formulation of value systems and ethical choices. Meets a Humanities/Fine Arts requirement. (School for Professional Studies Course).

COMM-290  Intro to Interpersonal Communication  3 Credits  

The primary elements of the communication process as it occurs between two persons in everyday settings. Among the topics considered are: language and meaning, nonverbal communication, person perception, and self-concept. This course does not fulfill a core curriculum requirement.(School for Professional Studies Course).

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

CORE-110  Vanguard Foundations of College Writing I  3 Credits  

Covers reading comprehension, technology and writing, and sentence-level (grammar) and paragraph-level issues. The course focuses on process-driven revision and peer collaboration while emphasizing critical thinking skills. This required course prepares Professional Studies and ECE students for college-level writing and studies. Students may petition to test out of this required course if they possess proficient college level writing ability. (Meets elective credit requirement only; not applicable to English Composition requirement. . Course must be passed with a "C" or better.) (School for Professional Studies Course).

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer.

ECED-109  Infant/Toddler Development  3 Credits  

This course is an overview of the characteristic needs of infants and toddlers, birth through age three. Appropriate learning environments and routine experiences are discussed. Social, cognitive, physical, and sensory motor behavior patterns are applied in theory and through observation in relation to the environment. A focus on the development of curriculum in meeting the individual needs of the children and the role of the teacher in facilitating growth through play experiences is emphasized.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer.

ECED-121  Admininistration of Early Childhood Education Programs I  3 Credits  

Application of the basic principles for the establishment, operation, supervision and evaluation of a preschool/daycare program is examined. This includes an overview and history of early childhood education programs, philosophy development, licensing standards, and assessment of management techniques. Christian philosophy and development are integrated. This course meets the minimum licensing course requirement for operating a licensed daycare program.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer.

ECED-123  Administration of Early Childhood Education Programs II  3 Credits  

Application of advanced principles for the ongoing operation, supervision and evaluation of a preschool/daycare program are examined. This includes an in-depth look into managing staff and personnel issues, along with public relations and board development. Parent partnership and operational policies are discussed. Christian philosophy and development are integrated. This course meets the minimum licensing requirement for operating a licensed daycare program.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer.

ECED-139  Adult Supervision and Mentoring  3 Credits  

This course covers the methods and principles of supervising adults who are teachers, assistants, or volunteers in early childhood education classrooms. Emphasis is placed on the role of experienced classroom teachers who function as mentors to new teachers while simultaneously addressing the needs of children, parents and other staff. Though not required, ECED 101 and ECED 103 are recommended prior to taking this course.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer.

ECED-150  Spiritual Formation of Young Children  3 Credits  

This course furthers students' own understanding and personal journey of spiritual formation and how that relates to the spiritual transformation of young children. The process of how the inner life is formed in young children toward an intimate relationship with God is discussed. Particular emphasis is placed on relationship, experience, and practice of the spiritual disciplines that create the context for spiritual formation to occur. A systematic approach is given that lays the foundation for regular practices in the classroom. The relationship between the church, home, and the early childhood education program is explored as the foundational environments where spiritual transformation is developed.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer.

EDUC-100  Introduction to Education  3 Credits  

This course explores the role of education and teaching in modern American Society. Current political and social issues and their impact on schools are addressed; and career opportunities and expectations for teachers are explored. Students are encouraged to assess and reflect upon their own educational experiences, skills, and learning styles as they interact with current practitioners and education literature. Students complete a 15-hour fieldwork component. May not be taken concurrently with EDUC 315. Must be passed with a C (not C-) or better to fulfill the Liberal Studies major requirement.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer.

EDUC-315  Teaching in a Multicultural Setting  3 Credits  

Students seeking to complete the Single Subject Matter Program in English must take this course as part of that program to ensure they are integrating literary content with their pedagogical experience. This course provides the philosophical background and classroom experience necessary to introduce the student to the teaching profession in a public or private school in a multicultural environment. The purpose of the class is to assist the student in gaining an understanding of the resources and challenges facing a teacher serving a linguistically and culturally diverse student population. Discussion focuses on the major professional organizations and educational research related to the philosophical, historical, and demographic developments of American education. Students complete a 30-hour field work component to observe classroom management and organization, Specially Designed Academic Instruction Delivered in English (SDAIE) instructional practices, and the curricula of grades K-12. The role and function of Christian beliefs and values in the public school are integrated throughout the course. This course is a prerequisite requirement for Multiple and Single Subject Credential programs. Lab fee.

Prerequisite: EDUC-100

Terms Typically Offered: Fall, Spring, and Summer.

ENGL-115  Foundations for College Writing II  3 Credits  

Exposition and argument at the college level. The course emphasizes academic writing conventions through the writing process, mechanics, revising and editing, with a specific emphasis on critical thinking and logical argumentation. Course must be passed with a "C" or better to enroll in ENGL-220 (meets English Composition requirement). (Professional Education Course).

ENGL-340  Children's Literature  3 Credits  

Reading and evaluating literature written especially for children and young adults. Includes a historical as well as a genre approach.

Prerequisite: ENGL-220C

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

ENGL-350  Creative Writing  3 Credits  

This course serves as a foundation for creative writing, introducing the student to the three primary genres that make up that world - poetry, fiction, and drama. Students will study/review the fundamentals and theory specific to each genre; read and analyze professional poems, stories, and plays; read and critique each other's work; and most

Prerequisite: ENGL-220C

Terms Typically Offered: .

HIST-275  Topics in American History  3 Credits  

A study of five periods in American history emphasizing the development of a distinctive American culture. This course meets the Social Science requirement for the Professional Studies Program. (Professional Education Course).

HIST-356  History and Geography of California  3 Credits  

A study of California from pre-Spanish times to the present, with emphasis on political, economic, and social developments and on its physical, political, and human geography.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

MATH-105  Essential Mathematics  4 Credits  

This course prepares students to understand the essential mathematical concepts in number sense, elementary algebra, sets of numbers, problem solving, ratios, proportions, percentages, and graphing linear equations and inequalities. The course is designed to introduce students to practical mathematical skills necessary for courses in business and statistics. Emphasis will be placed on the structural and logical foundations of business. (Meets Elective requirement only; not applicable to Natural Science/Math requirement). (Professional Education course).

MATH-105  Essential Mathematics  4 Credits  

This course prepares students to understand the essential mathematical concepts in number sense, elementary algebra, sets of numbers, problem solving, ratios, proportions, percentages, and graphing linear equations and inequalities. The course is designed to introduce students to practical mathematical skills necessary for courses in business and statistics. Emphasis will be placed on the structural and logical foundations of business. (Meets Elective requirement only; not applicable to Natural Science/Math requirement). (Professional Education course).

MATH-109  Mathematics for Statistics  4 Credits  

This course prepares students to understand the mathematical and statistical concepts in problem solving, critical thinking, ratios and proportions, algebraic equations, sets and logic, probability and statistics, including frequency of distribution, statistical graphs, measures of central tendency, and measure of position and dispersion. The course introduces students to common mathematical skills necessary for coursework in statistics. (Meets Natural Science/Math requirement). (Professional Education Course).

MNGT-470  Special Topic in Management  1-3 Credits  

Study of a special topic in one of the fields of management. May be repeated for credit provided topics are dissimilar.

Terms Typically Offered: On Demand.

PSCI-215  Fundamentals of Earth Science  4 Credits  

Earth science including physical and historical geology, meteorology, and descriptive astronomy; the economic, social, and philosophical aspects of the subject matter. Lab fee. (meets Natural Science/Math requirement). (Professional Education Course).

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

PSCI-216  Fundamentals of Physical Science  4 Credits  

This course in physical science presents materials in physics, chemistry, and astronomy that are conceptual in nature with minimal reliance on the quantitative rules of mathematics as a tool for understanding. A strong emphasis is placed on proper use of vocabulary words to understand and explain topics in the fields of mechanics, properties of matter, heat, sound, electricity and magnetism, and light. Classroom demonstrations and videos are used to assist the student in learning the everyday principles of nature. Lab fee. (meets Natural Science/Math requirement) (Professional Education Course)

PSYD-321  Adolescent Psychology  3 Credits  

A study of the period of life from puberty to the emergence from the teens, emphasizing the physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and personality development of the individual. Diversity issues are considered. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: PSYC-103 or PSYC-103C

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

PSYD-352  Industrial/Organizational Psyc  3 Credits  

Investigate how general psychological knowledge from the areas of personality, assessment, cognitive, and social psychology can be applied and further developed in organizational contexts. Issues such as matching jobs and individuals, training, performance evaluation, stress, leadership, and development are discussed in the context of multilevel cultural influences, from organizational cultures to global business demands. (meets Social Science requirement). (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: PSYC-103 or PSYC-103C

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PSYD-465  Field Education for Psy Majors  1-5 Credits  

Students apply concepts learned in the major as a student intern/volunteer at a human services agency or research facility. This course allows students to earn credit for additional field experience beyond PSYD 460; 30 hours of field experience will be required for each credit hour. Students may register for from 1-5 units of credit. (Professional Education Course)

Pre- or Co-Requisite: PSYD-460

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

SOC-220  Marriage & Family Social Context  3 Credits  

This course provides students with a sociological perspective of marriage and family living. Themes include: the social construction of gender and the consequences for relationships and social institutions; intimacy in family relationships; communication, conflict and stress in the family; the realities of parenting; integrating work and family life; separation divorce and remarriage; later life families. This course meets the Social Science requirement in the Professional Studies program. (School for Professional Studies Course).