Diversity/Multicultural Exposure Course Requirement

It is the desire of the University to increase student understanding of the world’s diversity as an essential component of the educational process. Thus, the diversity/multicultural exposure course requirement in the curriculum aims to increase awareness of the richness and variety of contributions to society, culture, knowledge. Diversity/multicultural exposure courses thus consider:

  1. the concerns and contributions of women and people of diverse backgrounds (as defined by race, gender, ethnicity, physical ability, generation, religion, or national origins); and
  2. a need for cooperation within a complex and increasingly interdependent global community. Furthermore, as a community of Christians, 
  3. equipping all students to demonstrate the Christian ethic of love by embracing reconciliation, promoting social justice, and carrying out transformative and redemptive actions in the name of Jesus Christ.


The university expects its students to excel in four diversity learning outcomes:

  • Knowledge: Demonstrates knowledge of multiple cultural perspectives and global experiences by articulating the value of diversity through reports, presentations, examinations, fieldwork, and discipline-appropriate projects.
  • Self-Examination: Examines one’s own attitudes, values, and assumptions and examines their impact. Evaluates one’s own attitudes, assumptions, and behavior towards diversity concerns and issues by recognizing, examining, and challenging underlying assumptions and prejudices through coursework such as self-reflective essays, reading responses, and journal entries, with the recognition that such work is a life-long endeavor.
  • Personal Engagement: Engages others with civility, empathy, honesty and responsibility with awareness of equity issues such as power dynamics and social privilege in these interactions. Demonstrates respectful and appropriate behavior when interacting with people of different genders, generation, religion, ethnicity, race, national origin, socioeconomic status, and ability by developing sensitivity to equity issues (such as power dynamics and social privilege) through field experience, research, and analytical reading and writing.
  • Social Engagement: Challenges past, present and future discrimination and privilege of individuals, societies, groups and institutions.  Identifies and begins to seek out transformative and redemptive opportunities in the church, in society, and in the evolving realities of global change through academic, co-curricular, internship, and vocational opportunities.


The diversity/multicultural exposure requirement can be fulfilled with either:

  • Three (3) units of Diversity Focused (DF) courses, or
  • Twelve (12) units of Diversity Enhanced (DE) courses.

Diversity Focused (DF) courses are wholly centered on matters related to either gender, race, ethnicity, religion, lifestyle, and/or global perspectives. The subject matter is identified in the syllabus as such, and the course title often reflects the content as “diversity focused.” Diversity Enhanced (DE) courses devote at least one-quarter of their content and time to diversity topics. The requirement guarantees that every student who takes at least one DF, or a series of DE courses, will have exposure(s) that promote(s) greater understanding of some aspect of the many cultural, gender, or other diversities which characterize the modern world.

The following are approved Diversity Focused (DF) courses: 13
Intro to Cultural Anthropology
Nonverbal Communication
Communication Across Cultures
Communication, Gender and Culture
Communication, Race and Ethnicity
Teaching in a Multicultural Setting
Global Voices: World Literature
World Civilizations I
World Civilization II
History and Geography of California
Women in American History
Intro/Intercultural Studies
Intercultural Comm in Ministry
Music in Global Cultures
Music History & Literature III
Women in the Books of Samuel
Women in Early Israel
Women in Ministry
Multi-Cultural Psychology
Social & Psychological Aspects of Aging
Introduction to Sociology
Gender, Culture, and Society
Introduction to Women and Justice
Ensure Justice Conference Studies
Human Trafficking
Research in Women's Studies
The following are approved Diversity Enhanced (DE) courses: 112
Literature and the Human Experience
Awakenings: Voices in American Lit
Global Games/Recreatn/Activit

Some special topic or seminar courses (291, 292, 293, 470 and 490) may fulfill the diversity/multicultural exposure course requirement. Consult the Office of the Registrar regarding fulfillment of this requirement with other courses than those listed above.