Psychology B.A.

  1. Apply principles of cognitive, behavioral, biological, socio-cultural, and spiritual perspectives on human nature to practical issues such as personal, social and/or organizational issues. 
  2. Apply core principles of empirical research, including research design, data analysis, and interpretation, to critically evaluate scholarly research. 
  3. Practice professional ethics (as defined by American Psychological Association), cultural competency, and citizenship with the focus on core principles of beneficence, responsibility, integrity, justice, and respect.
  4. Develop oral and written products that demonstrate information literacy skills in established scientific format (APA).
  5. Apply psychological knowledge, skills and values to various careers and/or postgraduate study.
  6. Integrate Christian worldview with knowledge of psychology.
Core Curriculum Requirements 144
Psychology Major Requirements49
General Electives27
Total Units120

Psychology Major Requirements 

Survey of the Field
PSYC-103CIntroduction to Psychology 23
PSYC-221Developmental Psychology3
PSYC-332Psychological Disorders3
PSYC-345Theories of Personality3
or PSYC-462 Counseling Theories
Research Component
PSYC-220CResearched Writing/Psyc Majors 23
or ENGL-220C Researched Writing
PSYC-265CIntroduction to Behavioral Statistics 23
or MATH-265C Intro to Statistical Methods
or MATH-270C Health Professions Statistical Methods
or SOC-265C Introduction to Behavioral Statistics
PSYC-381Research Methods in Psychology3
Psychological Perspectives
PSYC-449Cognitive Psychology3
Behavioral: 4
PSYC-351Principles of Behavior3
or PSYC-420 Behavior Modification
PSYC-340Biological Psychology3
PSYC-324Social Psychology3
PSYC-477CPsychology and Christianity3
Career and Grad Readiness
PSYC-384Next Steps: Career and Grad Readiness1
Application (3 or more units)
Select three or more units from the following:3
Field Research Lab/Seminar
Field Practicum
Psychological Research I
Psychological Research II
Research in Neuroscience
Upper Division Electives
Select three courses from the following:9
Forensic Psychology
Death, Grief, and Loss
Adolescent Psychology
Multi-Cultural Psychology 3
Social & Psychological Aspects of Aging
Managing Crisis
Child Psychology
Human Sexuality
Principles of Behavior
Survey of Human Services
Intro to Industrial/Organizational Psyc Organizational Psychology
Psychology of the Family
Mental Illness in Society
Addiction Studies
Group Dynamics
Sport Psychology
Psychology Teaching Internship
Field Practicum
Counseling Theories 3
Counseling Methods 3
Special Topic:
Psychological Research I
Psychological Research II
Introduction to Social Work
Total Units49

Number of units required from the Core Curriculum not included in the major requirements below. 


Course fulfills Core requirements


Students considering graduate work in counseling psychology or clinical psychology are strongly encouraged to take the indicated courses.


For the Behavioral component of Psychological Perspectives one class will meet the requirement and the second option may be used to fulfill the upper division elective.

Disclaimer: This sample Four Year Plan is provided as a guide for the recommended sequencing of courses. Vanguard University requires that students complete a minimum of 120 units of required course work as outlined on the Requirements tab in order to receive a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science, or Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. It is the student's responsibility to confirm with the department the course rotation before enrolling in courses. If applicable, please note the footnotes at the bottom of the page for additional information related to courses listed in a particular year and term. Questions, contact the Department of Psychology.

Study Abroad Participation: Students interested in participating in the university's Study Abroad programs are encouraged to reach out to the Global Education and Outreach Office for more information and collaboration in their academic course planning. Students using Education and Training Benefits through the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs are encouraged to also reach out to the School Certifying Official for more information regarding how benefits can be applied.

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1 Term 1Units
PSYC-103C Introduction to Psychology 3
CORE-100C Cornerstone 1
THEO-101C Foundations of Christian Life 3
HSPS-PLCRHistory/Political Sci Core Requirement 3
ENGL-120C Persuasive Writing 3
KINE-148C Lifetime Fitness and Wellness Lecture 3
Year 1 Term 2
PSYC-221 Developmental Psychology 3
PSYC-265C Introduction to Behavioral Statistics 3
NT-101C New Testament Survey 3
SOC-PLCRSocial Science Core Curriculum Reqm't 3
PSYC-220C Researched Writing/Psyc Majors 3
Year 2 Term 1
PSYC-332 Psychological Disorders 3
OT-201C Old Testament Survey 3
HIST-PLHDHistory Core Requirement 3
NSCI-PLCRScience Lec/Lab Requirement 4
PSYC-PLHDUpper Division Psychology Elective 3
Year 2 Term 2
PSYC-345 Theories of Personality 3
PSYC-324 Social Psychology 3
FINA-PLCRFine Arts Core Curriculum Requirement 3
PSYC-381 Research Methods in Psychology 3
ELCT-PLHD3AGeneral Elective 3 Units 3
Year 3 Term 1
PSYC-340 Biological Psychology 3
PSYC-PLBEHBehvior Mod Or Princ of Behav 3
ENGL-230C Literature and the Human Experience 3
ELCT-PLHD3AGeneral Elective 3 Units 3
PSYC-PLHDUpper Division Psychology Elective 3
Year 3 Term 2
COMM-201C Speech Composition and Presentation 3
PSYC-449 Cognitive Psychology 3
THEO-300C Developing a Christian World View 3
PSYC-384 Next Steps: Career and Grad Readiness 1
ELCT-PLHD3AGeneral Elective 3 Units 3
PSYC-PLHDUpper Division Psychology Elective 3
Year 4 Term 1
PSYC-PLPRREPsyc Field Prac., Research, Neuro Rsch 3-4
ELCT-PLHD12Electives 12 Units 12
Year 4 Term 2
PSYC-477C Psychology and Christianity 3
CHIS-400C Christian Heritage 3
ELCT-PLHD6Electives 6 Units 6
 Total Units120-121