Communication B.A. with a Concentration in Technology and Emerging Media

  1. ORAL COMMUNICATION: It is expected that students choosing to major in Communication will be able to demonstrate significant oral communication competencies in all types of public presentations. At a minimum, Communication students are expected to be able to choose a topic, gather information, narrow the focus of the topic, and present a logical, cohesive, well-structured, informative or persuasive oration that is 5-10 minutes in length.
  2. INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION: It is expected that students choosing to major in Communication will develop effective interpersonal communication skills that will enable them to become valued members of dyadic or small group interactions. Effective interpersonal skills are just as important as oral communication skills in encouraging students to continue on a path of life-long learning. Additionally, interpersonal competency is an integral part of all workplace teams and students who demonstrate significant interpersonal competence in this area increase their chances for success both socially and professionally. In keeping with the performative nature of our discipline, Communication students must demonstrate their ability to actively interact verbally and nonverbally with fellow classmates in group and individual problem-solving interactions. 
  3. INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION: Students choosing to major in Communication are expected to become more competent communicators in an intercultural and culturally diverse environment. Intercultural Communication competence can be defined as “the ability to effectively and appropriately execute communication behaviors to elicit a desired response in a specific environment” (Chen & Starosta, 1998, p. 241). At a minimum, our students will be expected to demonstrate through oral, written, and group communication assignments that they understand the complicated nature of intercultural communication.
  4. CRITICAL ANALYSIS: Students who choose to major in communication are challenged to develop their critical thinking skills. This competency assumes that students will develop the critical thinking ability to analyze evidence (spoken, written or visual) for its relevance, and be able to draw reasonable conclusions from the information. Critical thinking skills are perhaps the most prolific communication competency in our Department curriculum. Communication students must be able to demonstrate their critical thinking skills through oral and written self-advocacy.
  5. WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: Students who choose to major in Communication are challenged to develop their writing skills. Writing and speaking are symbiotic competencies that enable individuals to communicate with mass audiences.  The ability to write in a clear concise fashion is one of the most important skills students will need upon graduation.  This competency requires graduating students to show proficiency in standard English expression, by demonstrating to the satisfaction of their individual Department professors that they can write both professionally and academically. Specifically, graduating communication students must be able to personally demonstrate abilities in writing content, grammar, spelling, style and form.
  6. RESEARCH SKILLS: Students who choose to major in Communication are challenged to develop their critical research skills.  It is not enough for these students to have effective oral communication or writing skills; they must have evidence to support the propositions they are advocating. Students must also know how to conduct effective research in order to effectively prepare, screenplays, films and advertising proposals.
  7. TECHNOLOGICAL LITERACY: The technological literacy competency deals with fluency—a place for those with different personalities, backgrounds, and thresholds to get in the same “conversation.”  Learning and demonstrating personal competency in the industry-standard hardware and software that students will utilize in future endeavors and career paths creates technological fluency. Students must possess the eye-hand coordination and motor skills necessary to properly operate and utilize computer hardware, software and specialized equipment specific to their area of concentration and coursework. Students become fluent at sending and receiving messages in order to create shorthand for future experience. This fluency is a tool to support and enhance other competencies in a qualitative manner. 
Core Curriculum Requirements 153
Communication Major Core Requirements22
Technology &​ Emerging Media Concentration Requirements24
General Electives21
Total Units120

Number of units required from the Core Curriculum not included in the major requirements below. 

Communication Major Core Requirements

Lower Division
COMM-130Introduction to Communication3
COMM-220Elements of Storytelling3
COMM-258Christianity and Artistic Culture3
COMM-273Visual Technology3
COMM-290Intro to Interpersonal Communication3
Upper Division
COMM-413Preparing for Post Graduation1
COMM-496Senior Project: Development/Planning 22
COMM-497Senior Project: Implementation 31
Total Units22

Capstone for Film & Visual Storytelling and Technology & Emerging Media Concentrations. 496 and 497 must be taken in sequence. Technology & Emerging Media students can also opt to take COMM 464C: Media Criticism as their capstone requirement.

Technology and Emerging Media Concentration Requirements

Theories & Methods
Select nine units of the following:9
Communication Theory
Nonverbal Communication
Small Group Leadership
Communication Across Cultures
Organizational Communication
Communication, Gender and Culture
Communication Tools
Select a minimum of nine units from the following:9
Computer Applications
Intermediate Filmmaking
Graphic Design
Visual Storytelling: Documentary
Television Studio Production
Cinema Technology Series
New Media Production
Communication Channels
Select a minimum of six units from the following:6
Social Media
Mobile and Web Development
Computer Mediated Communication
Professional Communication
Knowledge Management and Data Interpretation
Special Topic in Business (Event Planning) 4
Total Units24

Course is offered through the Professional Education program and open to junior and senior students. 

Disclaimer: This sample Four Year Plan is provided as a guide for the recommended sequencing of courses. Vanguard University requires that students complete a minimum of 120 units of required course work as outlined on the Requirements tab in order to receive a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science, or Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. It is the student's responsibility to confirm with the department the course rotation before enrolling in courses. If applicable, please note the footnotes at the bottom of the page for additional information related to courses listed in a particular year and term. Questions? Contact the Department of Communication.

Study Abroad ParticipationStudents interested in participating in the university's Study Abroad programs are encouraged to reach out to the Global Education and Outreach Office for more information and collaboration in their academic course planning. Students using Education and Training Benefits through the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs are encouraged to also reach out to the School Certifying Official for more information regarding how benefits can be applied.

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1 Term 1Units
CORE-100C Cornerstone 1
KINE-148C Lifetime Fitness and Wellness Lecture 3
COMM-220 Elements of Storytelling 3
HIST-PLHDHistory Core Requirement 3
THEO-101C Foundations of Christian Life 3
SOC-PLCRSocial Science Core Curriculum Reqm't 3
Year 1 Term 2
NT-101C New Testament Survey 3
ENGL-120C Persuasive Writing 3
COMM-130 Introduction to Communication 3
FINA-PLCRFine Arts Core Curriculum Requirement 3
SOC-PLCRSocial Science Core Curriculum Reqm't 3
Year 2 Term 1
COMM-290 Intro to Interpersonal Communication 3
COMM-273 Visual Technology 3
OT-201C Old Testament Survey 3
COMM-201C Speech Composition and Presentation 3
MATH-PLCRMath Core Requirement 3
Year 2 Term 2
COMM-258 Christianity and Artistic Culture 3
ENGL-220C Researched Writing 3
COMM-PLTHMEComm Theories and Methods 3
COMM-PLTOOLComm Tools Course 1-4
HIST-PLCR2History Core Requirement (World Civ) 3
Year 3 Term 1
NSCI-PHCRScience Lecture/Lab 4
COMM-450 Internship 1-6
COMM-PLTHMEComm Theories and Methods 3
COMM-PLCHANComm Channels Course 2-3
COMM-PLUD3AUpper Division General Elective 3 Units 3
Year 3 Term 2
ENGL-230C Literature and the Human Experience 3
THEO-300C Developing a Christian World View 3
COMM-413 Preparing for Post Graduation 1
COMM-PLTHMEComm Theories and Methods 3
COMM-PLTOOLComm Tools Course 1-4
COMM-PLUD3AUpper Division General Elective 3 Units 3
Year 4 Term 1
CHIS-400C Christian Heritage 3
COMM-496 Senior Project: Development/Planning 2
COMM-PLTHMEComm Theories and Methods 3
ELCT-PLHD6Electives 6 Units 6
Year 4 Term 2
COMM-497 Senior Project: Implementation 1
COMM-PLCHANComm Channels Course 2-3
COMM-PLTOOLComm Tools Course 1-4
COMM-PLHD3AGeneral Elective 3 Units 3
COMM-PLHD3BGeneral Elective 3 Units 3
COMM-PLUD3AUpper Division General Elective 3 Units 3
 Total Units113-129


  • THEO-300C Developing a Christian World View can only be taken after completion of at least 60 units. CHIS-400C Christian Heritage can only be taken after completion of at least 90 units.