Women and Justice Minor

The minor in Women & Justice is intended to be an interdisciplinary course of study administered by the Department of Theology.  The minor is designed to provide students a theoretical and practical overview of the study of women and women’s issues in society from the perspective of various disciplines.

The minor requires a total of 21 credits: six (6) required units of study and 15 elective credits.  A minimum of 12 elective credits must be distinct and different from the requirements of the student’s major to complete the minor.

Required courses:
WJST-110Introduction to Women and Justice2
WJST-212Ensure Justice Conference Studies1
WJST-410Research in Women's Studies3
Select two of the following courses:6
Gender, Culture, and Society
Communication, Gender and Culture
Women in American History
The History of Human Rights
Women in the Books of Samuel
Women in Early Israel
Women in Ministry
Select two of the following courses:6
Gender & Politics
Social & Psychological Aspects of Aging
Marriage & the Family
Family Violence
Managing Crisis
Class, Race, Ethnicity & Gender
Human Sexuality
Select one of the following courses:3
Human Trafficking
Country Study Abroad: [Topical Area]
Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
Sex Trafficking
Human Trafficking and Demand
Human Trafficking Survivor Care
Human Trafficking and Collaborations
Human Trafficking Prevention
Ethics & Human Trafficking
Faith-Based Reponse to Human Trafficking
HT Investigations
Labor Trafficking
Global Center for Women and Justice Internship
Research Assistantship
Other pertinent courses may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Add to 2nd set of possible electives
Total Units21