Theatre Arts B.A. with a Concentration in Technical Production

Graduates from the Department of Theatre Arts will be prepared to meet the following learning outcomes:

  1. Evaluate a script or theatrical topic using relevant dramatic theory and criticism; write a new work applying principles of analysis, criticism, theory, and historic/current genres.
  2. Devise and/or implement theatrically relevant outcomes utilizing design and/or management principles, integrating research with creative problem solving.
  3. Collaborate with other members of the production team in generating and implementing creative solutions in direction, performance, design, and construction.
  4. Display professional standards in execution of work.  Ex:  timeliness, follow-through, attention to detail, correct use of written English, etc.
  5. Create meaningful artistic expression utilizing movement, body, voice, and character creation.
Core Curriculum Requirements 150
Theatre Arts Major Core Requirements25
Technical Production Concentration Requirements32
General Electives 213
Total Units120

Number of units required from the Core Curriculum not included in the major requirements below. 


General electives suggested by the department can be found in the concentration requirements below. 

Theatre Arts Major Core Requirements

Select one of the following:1
Set Construction I 1
Costume Construction I
Scenic Painting I
THEA-200CIntro to Theatre3
THEA-202CHistory of Theatre I3
THEA-204CHistory of Theatre II3
Select one of the following:1
Set Construction II 1
Scenic Painting II
Costume Construction II
THEA-313Scenic and Lighting Design Fundamentals3
THEA-314Makeup & Costume Design Fundamentals3
THEA-324Theory and Criticism3
THEA-386Junior Project1
THEA-450Theatre Internship2
THEA-495CSenior Project2
Total Units25

Technical/Design concentration majors may not use Scenic Painting I and Scenic Painting II to fulfill these requirements.

 Technical Production Concentration Requirements

THEA-102CIntro to Acting3
Choose six units from the following: 16
Theatrical Production I
Theatrical Production II
Theatrical Production III
Theatrical Production IV
THEA-116Scenic Painting I1
THEA-316Scenic Painting II (must be taken 2 times at 1 unit each)2
Choose two units from the following:
THEA-323Sound Design2
or THEA-470 Special Topic:
THEA-339Industry Insiders3
THEA-350Stage Management3
THEA-472Portfolio Preparation2
ART-252CHist/Appreciation of Art3
COMM-125Introduction to Filmmaking1
Choice of 6 COMM units,upper division preferred 26
Intermediate Filmmaking
Writing for Film and New Media
Communication, Race and Ethnicity
Cinema Technology Series
Music Video Production
Visual Storytelling: Narrative
Alternative Storytelling Techniques
Advanced Filmmaking
Suggested Electives
Select 13 units from the following:13
Movement and Voice
Theatrical Performance I
Theatrical Performance II
Theatrical Performance III
Theatrical Performance IV
Musical Theatre Vocal Technique I
Musical Theatre Audition I
Playing Shakespeare
Musical Theatre Vocal Technique II
Musical Theatre Audition II
Dramatic Lit: Script Analysis
Theatre Teaching Assistant
Any COMM course listed above not used to fulfill the 6 required units.
Total Units45

All Theatrical Production courses must be taken for 1 unit. 

Disclaimer: This sample Four Year Plan is provided as a guide for the recommended sequencing of courses. Vanguard University requires that students complete a minimum of 120 units of required course work as outlined on the Requirements tab in order to receive a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Music, Bachelor of Science, or Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree. It is the student's responsibility to confirm with the department the course rotation before enrolling in courses. If applicable, please note the footnotes at the bottom of the page for additional information related to courses listed in a particular year and term. Questions, contact the Department of Theatre Arts.

Study Abroad Participation: Students interested in participating in the university's Study Abroad programs are encouraged to reach out to the Global Education and Outreach Office for more information and collaboration in their academic course planning. Students using Education and Training Benefits through the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs are encouraged to also reach out to the School Certifying Official for more information regarding how benefits can be applied.

Plan of Study Grid
Year 1 Term 1Units
CORE-100C Cornerstone 1
THEA-PLBCCostume/ Set Or Scenic I 1
THEA-200C Intro to Theatre 3
SOC-PLCRSocial Science Core Curriculum Reqm't 3
ENGL-120C Persuasive Writing 3
THEA-108A Theatrical Production I 0-1
THEO-101C Foundations of Christian Life 3
COMM-125 Introduction to Filmmaking 1
Year 1 Term 2
THEA-116 Scenic Painting I 1
HIST-PLCR1History Core Req (US Hist Or Democracy) 3
ENGL-220C Researched Writing 3
NT-101C New Testament Survey 3
ART-252C Hist/Appreciation of Art 3
THEA-108B Theatrical Production I 0-1
Year 2 Term 1
THEA-202C History of Theatre I 3
THEA-323 Sound Design 2
THEA-313 Scenic and Lighting Design Fundamentals 3
SOC-PLCRSocial Science Core Curriculum Reqm't 3
OT-201C Old Testament Survey 3
THEA-232A Theatrical Performance II 0-2
Year 2 Term 2
THEA-314 Makeup & Costume Design Fundamentals 3
THEA-204C History of Theatre II 3
THEA-350 Stage Management 3
THEA-208B Theatrical Production II 0-1
MATH-PLCRMath Core Requirement 3
THEA-PLBC2Costume/ Set Or Scenic II 1
Year 3 Term 1
THEA-102C Intro to Acting 3
ENGL-230C Literature and the Human Experience 3
THEO-300C Developing a Christian World View 3
COMM-PLHD3Communication Elective 3 Units 3
HIST-PLCR2History Core Requirement (World Civ) 3
THEA-PHPR1Scenic Painting II/Junior Project 1
Year 3 Term 2
THEA-472 Portfolio Preparation 2
THEA-339 Industry Insiders 3
THEA-PHPR1Scenic Painting II/Junior Project 1
THEA-442 Playwriting 3
THEA-338 Stage Combat 2
KINE-148C Lifetime Fitness and Wellness Lecture 3
Year 4 Term 1
THEA-450 Theatre Internship 1-2
COMM-201C Speech Composition and Presentation 3
CHIS-400C Christian Heritage 3
THEA-316 Scenic Painting II 1
THEA-408A Theatrical Production IV 0-1
ELCT-PLHD5Electives 5 Units 5
Year 4 Term 2
THEA-495C Senior Project 2
NSCI-PLCRScience Lec/Lab Requirement 4
THEA-324 Theory and Criticism 3
THEA-408B Theatrical Production IV 0-1
COMM-PLHD3Communication Elective 3 Units 3
KINE-148C Lifetime Fitness and Wellness Lecture 3
THEA-360 Dramatic Lit: Script Analysis 3
 Total Units116-124


  • Technical Production concentration students must take Theatrical Production for 1 unit each time it is taken.
  • COMM-125 Introduction to Filmmaking is a required pre-req for other filmmaking courses and must be taken freshman year. It fulfills a general elective unit. 


  • Technical Production concentration students may not use THEA-116 Scenic Painting I or THEA-316 Scenic Painting II to fulfill the THEA-PLBC Costume/Set or Scenic I requirement.


  • Special Topics may be used to fulfill the THEA-323 Sound Design requirement. 


  • Technical Production concentration students may not use THEA-116 Scenic Painting I or THEA-316 Scenic Painting II to fulfill the THEA-PLIC Costume/Set or Scenic II requirement.


  • COMM electives should be chose from the list under Technical Production Concentration Requirements in your handbook or the University Catalog. The COMM electives are positioned to allow for Intermediate and Advanced Filmmaking.  


  • THEA-450 Theatre Internship should be served during the summer, pending departmental approval. 
  • COMM-201C Speech Composition and Presentation may not be used to fulfill any of the 6 required Communication elective units. 


  • THEA-495C Senior Project meets the Capstone requirement for this program.