Church History (CHIS)

CHIS-340  Late Roman-Byzantine Empire  3 Credits  

Beginning in the late third century, this course covers the major people, places, events, and movements of the Roman Empire until its destruction by the Ottoman Turks in 1453. Emphasizes the life and beliefs of the Orthodox Church and its relationship to Western Christianity. This course is housed in the Department of Religion and is accepted as a HIST upper division elective for the History/ Political Science major.

CHIS-400C  Christian Heritage  3 Credits  

This course explores our Christian heritage, showing how the community of believers has evolved over time, from the timeless creeds developed in the early Christian era, to the split between Rome and Eastern Orthodoxy, to the Protestant Reformation and the proliferation of denominations down to the twentieth century. The recent period highlights the rise of Pentecostalism and its place in the past century, the increasingly global sweep of the Church, and the relative decline of the European role in Christianity. The last section deals with the challenges and prospects of the twenty-first century and the roles available to our students.

CHIS-400H  Christian Heritage  3 Credits  

This course explores our Christian heritage, showing how the community of believers has evolved over time, from the timeless creeds developed in the early Christian era, to the split between Rome and Eastern Orthodoxy, to the Protestant Reformation and the proliferation of denominations down to the twentieth century. The recent period highlights the rise of Pentecostalism and its place in the past century, the increasingly global sweep of the Church, and the relative decline of the European role in Christianity. The last section deals with the challenges and prospects of the twenty-first century and the roles available to our students.

CHIS-420  History of Pentecostalism  3 Credits  

Antecedents, Wesleyan and nineteenth-century holiness backgrounds; origin, development, and varieties of traditional Pentecostalism; some attention to the neo-Pentecostal or charismatic movement. Course may include field trips to significant Southern California sites. This course is housed in the Department of Religion and is accepted as a HIST upper division elective for the History/ Political Science major.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

CHIS-451  Renaissance & Reformation  3 Credits  

The transition from medieval to modern civilization, emphasizing those forces and persons which brought about change in Europe's intellectual and religious outlook.

CHIS-470  Special Topic:  1-3 Credits  

Study of a special topic in church history. May be repeated for credit.

CHIS-480  Individual Studies:  1-3 Credits  

May be repeated for credit.

CHIS-490  Seminar:  3 Credits  

Mutual investigation of one topic in church history of particular relevance to upper division religion majors. May be repeated for credit.