Intercultural Studies (ICST)

ICST-102  Intro/Intercultural Studies  3 Credits  

An introduction to the basic elements of intercultural communication and service. Course content will compare and contrast the cognitive processes, linguistic forms, and behavioral patterns within diverse cultural contexts. The student will integrate theory with practice in order to communicate effectively a holistic gospel.

ICST-272  Theology/Church Mission  2 Credits  

Various models of Christian mission from biblical, theological, and historical perspectives will be explored. This interdisciplinary study, integrating theology and praxis, is designed to move the student toward a responsible understanding of an integral proclamation of the kingdom of God in a diverse cultural milieu. Core requirement for the religion major offered every fall.

Prerequisite: NT-101C; THEO-101C OR THEO-103C/H

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

ICST-288  Theology in an Intercultural Context  3 Credits  

A study of worldview theories and concepts in the context of intercultural studies. Major worldviews are mapped out geographically in order to investigate transcultural universals and divergences. The relationship between worldviews and theology in formulating contextual understandings of ministry will be examined. Core requirement for the religion major offered every fall.

Prerequisite: NT-101C; THEO-101C or THEO-103C/H

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

ICST-291  Special Topic:  1 Credit  

Study of a special topic in intercultural and urban studies. May be repeated for credit.

ICST-292  Special Topic:  2 Credits  

Study of a special topic in intercultural and urban studies. May be repeated for credit.

ICST-293  Special Topic:  3 Credits  

Study of a special topic in intercultural and urban studies. May be repeated for credit.

ICST-305  Evangelism  3 Credits  

A study of the nature, scope and imperatives of evangelism in the church. Scriptural mandates and models for evangelism are examined, and personal skills in evangelism are developed.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

ICST-345  Intercultural Comm in Ministry  3 Credits  

A study of the processes of communicating the gospel interculturally. Special attention is given to the development of attitudes and tools that will enable effective communication interculturally.

Prerequisite: ICST-102

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

ICST-370  Language Intensive  3 Credits  

A course designed to offer theology majors in the Intercultural Studies concentration intensive language study as part of their required study abroad experience. The specific language studied will be in conjunction with the location of the selected study abroad program.

ICST-450  Intercultural Internship  3-12 Credits  

Intercultural Internship is designed to integrate conceptual aspects of ministry with in-depth exposure to the practice of ministry within specific intercultural contexts. The internship experience is intended for students who wish to receive credit for guided reflection and supervision of a missions oriented experience by the on-scene supervisor/missionary and religion faculty member. Specific internship modules may also be taken during two, three, or four semesters. A maximum number of twelve units may be taken for internship credit.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

ICST-460  Intercultural Field Studies  3 Credits  

A course designed to integrate theory with field experience for Religion majors in the Intercultural Studies concentration. The intent is to reflect theologically in an intercultural ministry setting as part of the study abroad requirement. Special attention is given to examining one's spiritual gifts, calling, identity, and preparation, as well as developing an appreciation for other cultures, and understanding of the cross-cultural adaptation of a missionary.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

ICST-470  Special Topic:  1-3 Credits  

Study of a special topic in intercultural and urban studies. May be repeated for credit.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

ICST-480  Ind Studies:  1-3 Credits  

May be repeated for credit.

ICST-485  Current Issues/Mission Studies  3 Credits  

This course examines selected themes critical to effective Christian mission. Issues considered range from the ethics of evangelism and proselytism to the cultural dynamics of politics and economics. This course is required for students in the in the Intercultural Studies concentration.

Prerequisite: ICST-102

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

ICST-490  Seminar:  1-3 Credits  

Mutual investigation of one topic in intercultural and urban studies of particular relevance to upper division religion majors. May be repeated for credit.