Ministry & Leadership - (MILD, Professional Education)

MILD-305  Church History  3 Credits  

The development of the Christian Church throughout its history as reflected in its life, thought, institutions, leaders, and literature. (Professional Education Course)

Terms Typically Offered: Spring and Summer.

MILD-310  Introduction to Intercultural Studies  3 Credits  

This course is designed to introduce the basic elements of intercultural communication, relationship and service pertaining to missions. Course content will compare and contrast the cognitive processes and behavioral patterns within diverse cultural contexts. The student will integrate theory with practice in order to communicate effectively a holistic gospel. (Professional Education Course)

Terms Typically Offered: Spring and Summer.

MILD-364  Crit.Thinking & Writ. for Min.  3 Credits  

This course is designed to teach the student to write well-stated, grammatically correct, thesis-driven essays. Attention is given to academic and professional writing styles, reasonable presentations, the elements of an argument, and means of efficient research. This course must be passed with a "C" or better to fulfill requirements for graduation. A student receiving a "C-" or lower must retake the course to earn the required grade for graduation. (Professional Education Course)

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

MILD-365  Theo/Church Mission/Ministry  3 Credits  

A theological understanding of the ministry of the church and its mission to the world. (Professional Education Course)

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

MILD-367  Rsh/Meths/Study/Preach/Scriptr  3 Credits  

An introduction to the basic secondary materials utilized in biblical interpretation, an overview of the procedures of biblical exegesis and an articulation of the steps involved in homiletic construction and delivery. (Professional Education Course)

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

MILD-368  Leadrshp-Christian Organizatn  3 Credits  

Building effective ministry through the development of a healthy interior life, an understanding of a situational approach to leadership, and knowing the leader's role in the congregation's vision and mission. (Professional Education Course)

Terms Typically Offered: Spring and Summer.

MILD-369  Rsrch Meth/Study/Chrstn Org  3 Credits  

An introduction to research methods used to study life and ministry of a local congregation, including research design, collection of data, data analysis, and interpretation of data. (Professional Education Course)

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

MILD-410  Current Issues in Missions Studies  3 Credits  

This course examines selected themes critical to effective Christian mission. Issues considered range from the ethics of evangelism and proselytism to the cultural dynamics of politics and economics. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: Prerequisite: MILD-310

MILD-422  Conflict Management  3 Credits  

An examination of the nature and causes of conflict in the local church and religious organizations, and the principles of effective intervention strategies. (Professional Education Course)

MILD-440  Pastoral Care & Counseling  3 Credits  

Theological perspectives and psychological resources for care and counseling in the context of the local congregation. (Professional Education Course)

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

MILD-450  Ministerial Internship  3-12 Credits  

A learning experience integrating classroom theory with practical application through supervised service in a local church, hospital, mission field, or other appropriate setting. May be repeated up to a maximum of 12 units. (Professional Education Course)

MILD-460  Foundations-Christian Ethics  3 Credits  

An investigation of the moral implications of the Christian faith from a biblical and theological perspective. (Professional Education Course)

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Summer.

MILD-461  Theological Thms-Old Testament  3 Credits  

A study of selected, major themes in the writings of the Old Testament. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: MILD-367

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Summer.

MILD-462  Management-Christian Organztns  3 Credits  

The principles of effective management as a learning organization in understanding the church's internal processes as well as its relationship with the environment. (Professional Education Course)

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Summer.

MILD-463  Theo Themes-The New Testament  3 Credits  

A study of selected, major themes in the writings of the New Testament. (Professional Education Course)

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

MILD-464  Ministry-Preaching & Teaching  3 Credits  

A study of the theology and practice of preaching and teaching. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: MILD-367

Terms Typically Offered: Spring and Summer.

MILD-466  Ministry of the Spirit/Church  3 Credits  

A philosophical, historical and theological study of the third person of the Trinity. This course places special emphasis on the Spirit's empowerment for the church's mission and ministry. (Professional Education Course)

Terms Typically Offered: Spring and Summer.

MILD-468  I Cor: Church in Urban Settings  3 Credits  

An exegesis of I Corinthians in the contexts of the life of the apostle Paul and the developing urban church. (Professional Education Course)

Terms Typically Offered: Spring and Summer.

MILD-470  Special Topic  1-3 Credits  

Study of a special topic in theology. May be repeated for credit. (Professional Education Course)

MILD-472  New Testament & Contemp Chrstn Issues  3 Credits  

Exegesis and discussion of selected New Testament passages relevant to a variety of personal issues and contemporary life, including sexual ethics, gender roles, Christian parenting, divorce and remarriage, wealth and possession, and the problems of evil, death and dying. (Professional Education Course)

MILD-473  Change Theory & Strategic Planning in a Christian Organization  3 Credits  

An approach to ministry planning in which change theory is integrated with the human and structural dynamics that influence the development of corporate vision and mission processes, goals, assessment, strategy, and evaluation. (Professional Education Course)

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Summer.