Pastoral Leadership Studies (PLST)

PLST-291  Special Topic:  1 Credit  

Study of a special topic in pastoral leadership. May be repeated for credit.

PLST-292  Special Topic:  2 Credits  

Study of a special topic in pastoral leadership. May be repeated for credit.

PLST-293  Special Topic:  3 Credits  

Study of a special topic in pastoral leadership. May be repeated for credit.

PLST-310  Intro/Christian Leadership  2 Credits  

An introduction to a theology of leadership through the development of a healthy interior life; an understanding of a situational approach to leadership; and knowledge of the leader's role in the corporate vision, spirituality, and mission of the Christian community. Core requirement for the religion major offered every semester.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

PLST-312  Intro/Pastoral Care  2 Credits  

An introduction to a theology of care and counsel as a central focus of leadership-lay and vocational-in the mission and ministry of the Christian community. Core requirement for the religion major offered every spring.

Prerequisite: NT101C, OT-201C; THEO-101C or THEO-103C/H

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PLST-314  Intro/Preaching & Teaching  2 Credits  

An introduction to the proclamation mission of communicating the gospel through teaching and preaching. Core requirement for the religion major offered every semester.

Prerequisite: BINT-270, NT-101C, OT-201C; THEO-101C or THEO-103C/H

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

PLST-372  Res/Meth/Study/Ethics/Chrs Ldr  3 Credits  

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PLST-406C  Music and Worship  3 Credits  

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PLST-420  Disciplines/Spiritual Life  3 Credits  

A study of the biblical and theological foundations of spirituality within the Pentecostal/charismatic tradition. The emphasis will be on building a functioning spiritual life by the exercise of spiritual disciplines such as prayer, worship, community, fasting, and other disciplines. Core requirement for the religion major offered every fall.

Prerequisite: NT-101C, OT-201C; THEO-101C or THEO-103C/H

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

PLST-423  Sociology of Religion  1-3 Credits  

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PLST-425  Narrative/Expository Preaching  3 Credits  

An examination of narrative and expository preaching methods as complementary styles of preaching to strengthen pulpit ministry.

Prerequisite: PLST-314

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PLST-430  Management/Christian Organztns  3 Credits  

Exploring effective management from a systems perspective that examines the internal processes of a learning organization as well as its relationship with the environment. Selected topics will also include recruitment and training of volunteers, conflict management, team building, planning and financial management, and legal issues.

Prerequisite: PLST-310

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PLST-432  Women in Ministry  3 Credits  

An overview of the biblical and contemporary views on the leadership roles of women in the church, and the relevance of women in ministry for the modern church.

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PLST-440  Pastoral Care/Counseling  3 Credits  

The application of counseling and guidance principles to the work of the pastor and other religious workers in the field of pastoral care, including the use of case studies in ministering to persons with illness, grief, home, youth, or other types of special problems.

Prerequisite: PLST-312

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

PLST-446  Parables/Preaching  3 Credits  

An examination of the interrelationship between the meaning of the parables as Jesus spoke them to his original hearers and the message of parables proclaimed in the church today.

Prerequisite: NT-101C

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PLST-449  Denominational Polity  1 Credit  

Guided reading and discussion of official district and national constitutions and bylaws, and research in denominational history and doctrine. Designed for students seeking ministerial credentials with the Assemblies of God.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

PLST-450  Ministerial Internship  3-12 Credits  

The internship program is a full-time, one-semester course of intensive in-service ministerial training in an assigned church under the supervision of a pastor and religion faculty member. Specific internship modules may also be taken during two, three, or four semesters. A maximum number of twelve units may be taken for internship credit. Note: Application forms are available in the Department of Religion office.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

PLST-455  Current Issues/Youth Ministry  3 Credits  

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

PLST-460  Practicum  1-3 Credits  

A learning experience which integrates classroom theory with practice through assigned responsibilities in local churches, hospitals, mission fields, or other appropriate institutions under supervision by both the on-scene administrator and the religion faculty member. May be repeated for credit. Note: Application forms are available in the Department of Religion office.

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

PLST-461  Integrative Field Studies  3 Credits  

Highly Recommended: PLST 450 or PLST 460A course designed to integrate theory with guided field experience in the student's chosen field. The intent is to reflect theologically in a ministry setting with special attention given to examining one's spiritual gifts, calling, identity, and preparation.

Prerequisite: PLST-310, PLST-312, PLST-314

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PLST-470  Special Topic:  1-3 Credits  

Study of a special topic in pastoral leadership. May be repeated for credit.

PLST-480  Ind Studies:  1-3 Credits  

May be repeated for credit.

PLST-490  Seminar:  1-3 Credits  

Mutual investigation of one topic in pastoral leadership of particular relevance to upper division religion majors. May be repeated for credit.