Psychology-PE (PSYD)

PSYD-214  Researched Writing/Psyc Majors  3 Credits  

This course focuses on the process of writing in APA style. Students will be taught how to read and comprehend research in psychology and to write research papers from a place of understanding the context, process, and audience for research writing. This course also serves as an introduction to the major, informing students of scholastic expectations and of opportunities within their undergraduate experience. Additionally, students will be guided in thinking about and moving toward future educational and career pursuits. Must be passed with a "C" (not "C-") or better to fulfill the GE English Composition requirement. (Professional Education Course).

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

PSYD-221  Developmental Psychology  3 Credits  

An exploration of human development through the biological behavioral, cognitive, sociocultural, and spiritual perspectives in a lifespan approach (from conception through death). This course is recommended early in the major and is a prerequisite for other psychology courses. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: PSYC-103C or PSYC-103

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

PSYD-265  Intro to Statistical Methods  3 Credits  

A course in basic statistical concepts and methods of collecting, summarizing, presenting, and interpreting data in the behavioral sciences: including descriptive statistics (use of graphs and charts), normal distribution curve, measures of central tendency, deviation and dispersion, hypothesis testing, statistical fallacies, correlation and topics in probability. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: MATH-105 and MATH-109

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Summer.

PSYD-321  Adolescent Psychology  3 Credits  

A study of the period of life from puberty to the emergence from the teens, emphasizing the physical, mental, emotional, social, spiritual, and personality development of the individual. Diversity issues are considered. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: PSYC-103 or PSYC-103C

Terms Typically Offered: Fall and Spring.

PSYD-340  Biological Psychology  3 Credits  

A study of human behavior in terms of the nervous system and its control of the activity of the muscles, glands, and the biochemistry of the body, with special emphasis on perception, sensory and motor functions, motivation, emotion, learning, and memory. Neurological impairment and disorders are examined. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: PSYC-103 or PSYC-103C

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PSYD-352  Industrial/Organizational Psyc  3 Credits  

Investigate how general psychological knowledge from the areas of personality, assessment, cognitive, and social psychology can be applied and further developed in organizational contexts. Issues such as matching jobs and individuals, training, performance evaluation, stress, leadership, and development are discussed in the context of multilevel cultural influences, from organizational cultures to global business demands. (meets Social Science requirement). (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: PSYC-103 or PSYC-103C

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PSYD-368  Survey of Human Services  3 Credits  

Explores the ways in which care is provided for the whole individual, surveying community resources and developing an understanding of the ways in which human services are carried out in various settings. Ethical issues in human services practice are also examined. Each student will identify an appropriate human service agency for a field practicum placement and will develop a plan to meet the requirements for Field Practicum. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: PSYD-214 and PSYC-103 or PSYC-103C

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

PSYD-372  Adulthood and Aging  3 Credits  

Examines the physical, cognitive, social and emotional adjustments of adult life from adulthood through death. Focuses on the process of development rising from physical aging, continuing socialization and environmental changes involved in these life phases. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: PSYC-103 or PSYC-103C

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PSYD-373  Psychology of the Family  3 Credits  

Explores the institution of the family from a multigenerational developmental perspective. Psychological, socio-cultural, and spiritual perspectives are also explored. Students will be introduced to family systems theory as a method of understanding family dynamics and to theoretical orientations of family therapy. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: PSYC-103 or PSYC-103C

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PSYD-381  Research Methods in Psychology  3 Credits  

An introduction to qualitative and quantitative research methods in psychology, including experimental, quasi-experimental, and correlation approaches. Students will learn to think critically about research, assessing threats to internal and external validity. Students will consider ethical issues in research and will learn to design and conduct research, including searching the literature, using SPSS to analyze data, and writing formal research reports using APA style. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: PSYD-265, PSYD-214, and PSYC 103 or PSYC-103C

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PSYD-420  Behavior Modification  3 Credits  

Examines the applications of cognitive and learning theories to a broad range of problems and settings, including child rearing, education, psychotherapy, and industrial settings. Integration of theological aspects of therapy is also addressed. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: PSYD-366 or PSYC-103/103C

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

PSYD-432  Social/Cultural Psychology  3 Credits  

Examines interpersonal behavior as it is influenced by social processes, culture, face-to-face interactions, and personality characteristics. Among the topics covered are interpersonal and group behavior in relationship to social values, diversity issues, norms, attitudes, roles, and social needs. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: PSYD-214 and PSYC-103 or PSYC-103C

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

PSYD-434  Group Dynamics  3 Credits  

Introduces students to various types of groups used in clinical settings and to the theoretical orientations commonly utilized in group practice. The stages of group work, leadership skills, and work with special populations are explored. Students are introduced to ethical issues, and multicultural issues that apply to group work. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: PSYD-366 or PSYC-103C/103

Terms Typically Offered: On Demand.

PSYD-436  Psychological Disorders  3 Credits  

A study of psychological disorders using a biopsychosocial perspective. Course includes description, patterns of development, assessment, and treatment methods. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: PSYC-103 or PSYC-103C

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PSYD-449  Cognitive Psychology  3 Credits  

Addresses the study of human cognitive processes including perception, memory, problem solving, thinking, and hemispheric specialization. Cognitive aspects of psychological and learning disorders are also addressed. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: PSYC-103 or PSYC-103C

Terms Typically Offered: Fall.

PSYD-460  Field Practicum  3 Credits  

Students apply concepts learned in the major as a student intern/volunteer at a human services agency or research facility. All practicum sites must be approved by the Field Practicum Coordinator for the PS Psychology major prior to beginning the practicum. Students accrue hours over the course of the program; hours must be completed by the start date of the course. Students will accrue a minimum of 90 hours for 3 units of course credit. Coursework includes a written and oral presentation. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: PSYC-103 or PSYC-103C

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PSYD-462  Counseling Theories  3 Credits  

Studies the various theoretical approaches to counseling, the personhood of the counselor, and ethical issues in clinical practice. Major counseling theories are introduced by covering key concepts, the nature of the therapeutic relationship, and techniques associated with each theory. The worldview underlying each theory is examined as it relates to a Christian worldview, and the integration of biblical principles in counseling theories is introduced. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: PSYC-103 or PSYC-103C

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PSYD-465  Field Education for Psy Majors  1-5 Credits  

Students apply concepts learned in the major as a student intern/volunteer at a human services agency or research facility. This course allows students to earn credit for additional field experience beyond PSYD 460; 30 hours of field experience will be required for each credit hour. Students may register for from 1-5 units of credit. (Professional Education Course)

Pre- or Co-Requisite: PSYD-460

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.

PSYD-470  Special Topic:  1-3 Credits  

Study of a special topic in psychology. May be repeated for credit. (Professional Education Course)

Terms Typically Offered: On Demand.

PSYD-477  Psychology and Christianity  3 Credits  

Examines human nature from the perspective of psychology and Christian belief. The major approaches to the integration of psychology and Christianity will be examined, utilizing a range of issues such as the relationship between mind, body, and soul; the nature of human freedom; Christian prayer; conversion; the relationships between people's attitudes and their behavior; and contemporary Christian counseling and pastoral care. (Professional Education Course)

Prerequisite: PSYD 214 and PSYC-103 or PSYC-103C

Terms Typically Offered: Spring.